Sandra Araneda

OCCA presented its fourth thematic report, which focuses on conflict in the healthcare sector in Latin America.

In the context of the project “Improving Access to Civil Justice in Latin America” with the support of Global Affairs Canada (GAC)  The Observatory on Civil Conflict and Access to Justice (OCCA) -created by the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA)– presented the results of its fourth thematic report, “Civil conflict and barriers to access to justice in Latin America.” The report was developed…

Sandra Araneda

Interview with Leonel González: “When the people participate in a trial as members of the jury, their negative perception of justice changes.”

In a conversation with Chaco TV Digital, JSCA’s Training Director noted the impact that the passage of the province’s law allowing trial by jury in civil matters will have on Argentina and Latin America. The passage of the law allowing trial by jury for civil matters  in Argentina’s El Chaco province beginning this year* has generated a great deal of interest due to its impact…

Sandra Araneda

[New publication] The Practice of Law in Latin America: In Search of an Agenda Vol. 1 (Spanish-language publication)

One of the study’s objectives is to offer an overview of training and oversight of the practice of law in order to identify the main critiques that have been offered in Latin America and the Caribbean. In an effort to explore the most important aspects of the practice of law, the Justice Studies Center of the Americas has published the report “The Practice of Law…

Sandra Araneda

Argentina’s Chaco province approves first trial by jury law for civil and commercial matters in Latin America

In 2015, during JSCA’s International Seminar on Civil Justice Reforms in Viña del Mar, Chile, JSCA Training Director Leonel González Postigo gave a lecture proposing the inclusion of discussions of the experience of trial by jury in civil matters. Two years later, in 2017, JSCA presented a document containing ten ideas about the civil justice reform model that we are promoting in Latin America. In…

Sandra Araneda

JSCA to hire researcher

The Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA), an international agency created by the inter-American system that supports the modernization of the justice systems of the region, is hiring a full-time researcher: Main responsibilities: To provide technical support to the Research and Projects Area. To support the coordination and implementation of activities with the Training Area. To participate in research and studies related to the…