Regional Conference: three events on the strengthening of judicial independence in the Americas

The Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA), in alliance with various institutions, announces the Regional Meeting: Strengthening Judicial Independence in the Americas, to be held on October 11, 12 and 13, 2022, online, at 4 p.m. Chilean time. During this three-day meeting, JSCA will promote dialogues with justice operators from Judicial Branches (panel on October 11), Public Prosecutor’s Offices (panel on October 12) and…

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JSCA holds International Seminar “The Implementation of the Adversarial System in the Federal Criminal Justice System in Argentina”.

The Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA), in partnership with the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) agency of the U.S. Embassy in Argentina, the Institute for Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences (INECIP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), announce the International Seminar “The Implementation of the Adversarial System in the Federal Criminal Justice System in Argentina”. Download…

JSCA holds a meeting with the Bolivian Minister of Justice

On September 15, 2022, JSCA’s Executive Director Nataly Ponce and JSCA’s Director of Technical Assistance, Open and Digital Justice, Cristian Hernández, held a virtual meeting with the Minister of Justice and Institutional Transparency of Bolivia, Iván Lima. JSCA presented the JSCA Strategic Plan 2022-2026, emphasizing the five priority issues defined. In addition to his good opinion of JSCA’s work in the region, Minister Lima stated…


JSCA holds a meeting with the National Public Defender of Chile

On September 12, 2022, JSCA’s Executive Director, Nataly Ponce, along with the Director of Technical Assistance, Open and Digital Justice, Cristian Hernández, and the Director of Studies, Gherman Welsch, held a meeting with the National Public Defender of Chile, Carlos Mora, his Chief of Staff Claudia Vergara and the Chief of Studies of the Ombudsman’s Office, Pablo Aranda. JSCA’s Executive Director presented the JSCA Strategic…

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JSCA participates in the celebration of the 150 year IPPF anniversary celebration: Its contributions to the criminal justice and prison systems – Past, present and future

The President of the Board of Directors of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA), Jenny Willier Murphy, participated today on behalf of JSCA in the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation’s 150th anniversary, which is celebrating the Foundation’s past, present and future contributions to criminal justice and prison systems. President Jenny Willier Murphy introduced JSCA and the institution’s mandate. In addition, she shared relevant…