Press JSCA

Applications are now being accepted for the V and VI National Undergraduate Student Competition “Procedure Law Seedbeds”

Interested students may register through June 15. Applications are now being accepted from Chilean law students who wish to participate in the V and VI National Competition “Procedure Law Seedbeds.” The initiative is organized by the Universidad Diego Portales Law School Procedure Law Department (Chile), the Chilean Procedure Law Researchers Network and the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (CEJA). The entities are organizing both…

Press JSCA

JSCA Executive Director: “Electronic processing does not mean digitizing paper files.”

At the XI Meeting of Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers and Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA), JSCA Executive Director Jaime Arellano called on member states to energetically work on and develop the components that the region’s justice systems need to guarantee effective access to it to all individuals and noted that digitalization will play a key role in that process. According to the…

Press JSCA

JSCA reiterates the importance of equal access to justice for LGBTIQ+ individuals

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is held each year on May 17 to mark the World Health Organization (WHO) decision to eliminate homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses.  Over 30 years after this landmark decision was made, LGBTIQ+ people continue to be the victims of discrimination and violence in various spaces and spheres of daily life. The justice system is not removed…

Press JSCA

JSCA co-organizes colloquium with UCASAL entitled “Arraignment and Evidentiary Law” in Argentina

The Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) co-organized the colloquium “Arraignment and Evidentiary Law” with the Universidad Católica de Salta (UCASAL) Law School on Thursday, May 6. The activity was mainly attended by justice system operators from the Judicial Branch, Public Prosecutor’s Office and Public Defender’s Office from the Salta and Jujuy federal and local justice systems. It also included members of Uruguay’s justice…

Press JSCA

International Call for Applications for the position of Executive Director (2022-2025)

The Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA),, an international organization created by the inter-American system to support justice system transformation processes throughout the region, announces this International Call for Applications for the Position of Executive Director of the institution for the period 2022-2025. The Executive Director is responsible for directing the Center’s areas, staff and financial resources at the executive level in fulfillment…