Sandra Araneda

[NEW PUBLICATION] CEJA-JSCA ® Working Paper. Technology, Criminal Proceedings, Hearings and Oral Trial

JSCA presents the new publication “CEJA-JSCA ® Working Paper. Technology, Criminal Proceedings, Hearings and Oral Trial” The document, which was developed by judges, academics and experts in technological developments, seeks to provide an initial basis for discussion in order to approach solutions to address the challenges posed by the situation of Covid-19. It weaves together regulatory aspects, standards and principles with electronic platforms, providing preliminary…

Sandra Araneda

[NOVA PUBLICAÇÃO] CEJA publica quarto livro de reflexões sobre a necessária reforma à justiça penal no Brasil

O CEJA apresenta o quarto livro da série “Desafiando a Inquisição: Ideias e Propostas para a Reforma Processual Penal no Brasil”. O livro, publicado em português, é um dos resultados do Programa Brasileiro sobre Reforma Processual Penal, que o CEJA desenvolve com o apoio de diversas instituições brasileiras. No Programa, elas se reúnem e discutem as ideias de diferentes atores do sistema de justiça penal, contextualizando…

Sandra Araneda

LGBTIQ+ individuals and access to justice: The case of Azul Rojas Marín vs Peru

International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is commemorated on May 17. This is a very important day for the region due to the fact that violence against LGBTIQ+ individuals is prevalent throughout Latin America. The IACHR has found that there are concerning trends related to the right to access to justice of members of the LGBTIQ+ community. There is a dearth of reporting and…

Sandra Araneda

New issue of Judicial Systems Journal: Criminal analysis in Latin America

The Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) and the Institute for Comparative Studies in the Criminal and Social Sciences (INECIP) present a new issue of Judicial Systems Journal. The main topic of the issue is criminal analysis in the region’s public prosecutor’s offices based on perspectives and experiences from over 10 countries. Issue 23 of the journal starts with a discussion of the need…

Sandra Araneda

[NEW PUBLICATION] Exploratory study on cases of gender violence in Buenos Aires

The Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) and the Working Group on Feminisms and Criminal Justice of the Institute for Comparative Studies in the Criminal and Social Sciences (INECIP) present the qualitative research study, “Exploratory study on justice system practices around cases of gender violence in the Buenos Aires justice system: Protective measures and alternative management of criminal trials.”  The goal of the study…