The Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) concludes an important contribution to the Chilean Judicial Branch for the characterization of cases of intrafamily violence against women that enter the family justice system in which the Court declares itself incompetent and refers them to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

JSCA’s research department gathered information on approximately 2,500 family cases from all over Chile to prepare the corresponding study.

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The Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) is an intergovernmental body of the Inter-American System with technical and operational autonomy, created by the OAS General Assembly in 1999, whose mission is to support the processes of reform and modernization of the systems justice in the Americas.

JSCA provides technical assistance to governments, judiciaries, public ministries and other justice institutions; prepares technical studies and generates empirical evidence; facilitates cooperation processes at the regional level; and provides specialized training to justice policymakers and operators in the countries of the Americas.