The Lima Chamber of Commerce invited JSCA Executive Director Nataly Ponce to participate in the IV International Forum on Public and Business Safety “Safety: A Fundamental Pillar for Growth and Development” on April 26, 2022.

The purpose of the event was to present the main progress to date on and challenges related to justice and public safety governance and management. It was attended by representatives of various sectors of society, including business owners and public officials.

Distinguished experts and representatives of various Peruvian and international entities offered remarks, and the audience included high-level representatives of the Peruvian business sector as well as specialists, Executive Branch officials, members of the country’s diplomatic corps and binational chambers, academics, and members of the public.

JSCA Executive Director Nataly Ponce offered a presentation during the session “Public policy, justice and public safety: Goals and priorities from an international perspective.” She addressed risks of setbacks in judicial independence and autonomy in the countries of the Americas and the importance of partnerships among justice systems and public safety entities. She also spoke about the need to promote justice and safety public policies that respect human rights and prioritize the needs of at-risk individuals and groups such as women.