In the context of the project “Improving Access to Civil Justice in Latin America,” which is financed by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) invites all interested parties to apply to the virtual research internship at Osgoode Law School (York University, Toronto, Canada), which will be held June 21 through July 2 of this year.  

This program offers interns the opportunity to meet with Canadian academics, researchers and professionals and to develop a research project that supports civil procedure reform processes in Latin American and Caribbean countries.  

The deadline for applications is April 16. Two internships will be awarded.


-Interested parties should complete the online application form.

-Applicants must propose a research project on any topic related to access to justice in the area of civil justice. The proposal must include a description of the topic, the justification(*) for the work and the research methodology. (Maximum of two pages.)

-The proposal must be submitted in English and Spanish (except for Brazilian applicants, who may submit their materials in English and Portuguese) to JSCA Training Director Leonel González:, copying JSCA Researcher Laura Cora Bogani:

-All proposals must incorporate a gender perspective. These include, at least:

  • Use of non-sexist and egalitarian language: Modify the androcentric approach to communication in order to make women and LGBTI individuals visible and move away from sexist stereotypes and prejudices.
  • When working with information that includes data, the researcher should disaggregate the data by gender.
  • Move away from and avoid reproducing gender stereotypes. For example, avoid statements that link women to the role of mothers and men to being the economic provider for the household and those that link women to emotions and men to rational thinking.
  • Mainstreaming gender: Each intern should ask the following question about their work: Does this content impact/reach men, women and members of LGTBI communities differently? In what sense? We recommend that applicants pay special attention to this impact and, in cases in which that difference implies discrimination or gender equality, they should make an effort to propose alternatives or possible courses of action that will counter this effect.

Preference will be given to candidates with experience with research projects related to civil procedure and those who plan to work in institutions focused on related matters.

-The applicant must be able to guarantee that they will be available for the internship period (June 21-June 2). 

-Applicants must be proficient in written and spoken English. Knowledge of English must be listed on the application form.

-Finalists will be asked to schedule a video conference in English in order to verify their language proficiency and ability to complete the internship.

Each intern will receive:

-An individual Zoom account under the York University license that will ensure that the interns can complete the program. 

-Access to the school’s online library.

-Real time access to online academic events that may benefit their research that take place during the internship period.

-Online access to video recordings of past events that may benefit their research. 

-Interns will be introduced to Osgoode Law School professionals so that they may set up meetings on their research. The following list is provided for reference.

Interns are expected to organize their own meetings and appointments with Law School officials, professionals and/or judiciary members with whom they wish to meet about their research. We suggest that interns schedule these meetings well in advance of the internship. Interns will be provided with a letter of introduction for this purpose. 

Intern responsibilities:
At the end of the internship period, the interns must submit a report on their experience to the institution along with the product of the research conducted during the program. The materials may be published and/or disseminated under the author’s name.

Application timeline:

– Applications must be received no later than April 16, 2021.

-Finalists will be interviewed by phone during the week of May 17-21, 2021.

-Applicants will be notified of the results of the selection process on Monday, May 31, 2021.

(*) Preference will be given to applicants who consider at least the following questions: To what degree is the topic selected related to the purpose of the internship? Is there a connection between the local development of the topic chosen and the importance of that topic in Canada? How will this research contribute to civil reform processes in the region?