JSCA and the Inter-American System

JSCA was created in 1999 by resolution of the OAS General Assembly in fulfillment of the Plan of Action of the II Summit of the Americas (1998) and the recommendations of the Meetings of Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA)..

JSCA is governed by its statute and regulations, and its activities must be developed in keeping with the guidelines set out in the REMJA conclusions and recommendations.

The Board of Directors appoints JSCA’s Executive Director with REMJA’s approval. The Executive Director is responsible for the Center’s operation.

  • 1998

    The governments…will promote the establishment of a justice studies center of the Americas in order to facilitate the enhancement of human resources, the exchange of information and other forms of technical cooperation in the hemisphere in accordance with each nation’s specific needs. The ministers of justice or other officials with jurisdiction over such matters will be asked to analyze and establish the most appropriate means for the organization and implementation of the center.

  • 2001

    They will develop a funding plan for JSCA that considers the interests and resources of governments and other possible donors and that allows the Center to contribute to the modernization and formulation of public policies in this area as well as the institutional development of the region’s judicial systems.

  • 2005

    In regard to the “strengthening of democratic governance,” the members were encouraged to “strengthen the Hemispheric Network for the Exchange of Information for Mutual Judicial Assistance in Criminal Justice and Extradition, support actions for the implementation of a strategic plan for the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) and strengthen the institutional development of the OAS Secretariat General in these areas in keeping with the framework of the Meetings of Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJAs).