Natalia Cabrera


Chilean. Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and Master in Sociology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She handles both quantitative and qualitative methods of applied social research.

She has experience as a research assistant in the study of justice institutions and punitive practice. She has also participated in research, publications and presentations on topics such as: the role of auxiliary professions in justice (psychologists and social workers); the relationship between poverty, migration and indigeneity and punitive control; feminism and gender perspective applied to sex work, desistance and retraction of complaints in cases of violence against women and motherhood in prisons; police; methods and alternative systems of conflict resolution, including Drug Treatment Courts; and the reception of neurosciences in criminal practice.

She has teaching experience as an assistant in undergraduate and graduate courses in both law and sociology and taught an undergraduate course on practical law skills.