In the framework of the 54th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), the member states of the organization approved the resolution that commemorates the twenty-fifth (25th) year of JSCA’s creation.

The resolution recognizes JSCA as “the OAS agency specializing in justice systems” and states that JSCA is “recognized by the States and judicial systems for its technical excellence in the promotion, training and follow-up of justice reforms to guarantee orality, transparency, speed and equality for all persons; It also provides for “the creation of a roadmap aimed at increasing its visibility, collaborative work with other OAS bodies and institutional sustainability”.

The resolution also invites the States, the General Secretariat, the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security, the Department against Transnational Organized Crime, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the other relevant organs, agencies and entities of the Organization, within the framework of their respective competencies, to develop collaborative work processes with the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA), to generate synergies that contribute to their common goals, considering the value and experience of this organization in the justice systems of the Hemisphere”.

JSCA thanks Sebastián Kraljevich, Ambassador of Chile to the OAS, and Raúl Florentín, Ambassador of Paraguay to the OAS, for having proposed this resolution to the General Assembly, in coordination with the Executive Directorate and the Board of Directors of the organization.

To access the resolution, click on the link below.

Resolución OEA 25 aniversario CEJA (2)

To access the full resolution, click here.

AG09142S03 (1)