Resolutions 2008

In Santiago on December 6, 2008, the Board of Directors met, with the participation of the Councilors Jaime Arellano (President), Lloyd Ellis, George M. Thomson, Hebe Martinez, Russell Wheeller, Lucila Larrandart, and the Elected Councilor Marc Rosenberg, by virtue of Article 13 of its Statute and 18 and 19 of its Regulations, it resolves:
  1. To congratulate the Executive Director, Mr. Cristián Riego, for the presentation of the Annual Activity Report for 2008. The Council expresses its agreement for the proper institutional management of the new Director, who has had to assume functions before the formal start of his term, implementing successfully a policy of optimization and internationalization of the work team and carrying out a regional, open and informed contest that ended in the hiring of the new academic coordinator.
  2. Approve the Financial Plan and Plan of Action for the Year 2009. Regarding the Financial Plan, the effort made to reduce operational costs, maintaining financing for JSCA's permanent tasks, is especially highlighted. In relation to the Plan of Action, the development and follow-up of some main lines of work is emphasized, such as the one referred to the Preventive Prison Study, on the occasion of the seminar held in Colombia.
  3. Take note of the comments made by the Directors on the information mechanisms with the Executive Management. In this sense, it is agreed to receive, in addition to the semester calendar of activities in which JSCA is involved as organizer or participant, a particular call for events and projects, which due to their thematic orientation, involved entities or place of realization, can mean a prominent role for the Council.
  4. Dismiss the Counselor and former President, George Thomson, who served for six years as a member of this Council, his role being key not only in the direction of the organization but also in the consolidation of JSCA's relations with CIDA and in strengthening the institutional capacities for the training of regional actors in the justice system. Likewise, this Council welcomes the new Board Member Mark Rosenberg, in the conviction that his role as a former magistrate will be relevant to JSCA's work.
  5. Agree to hold a next meeting of the Board of Directors during the first semester of 2009, giving priority to some international activity organized by JSCA and in which the Board can participate, adding value to the expected results. The Secretary is entrusted with exploring and informing the Council of the most propitious date for this purpose.
In Washington, on Tuesday, April 29, 2008, the XX Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) was held, with the participation of Counselors Jaime Arellano, Lloyd Ellis, Hebe Martinez, Carlos Caputo, Russell Wheeler and Lucila Larrandart.  In accordance with the provisions of article 13 of its Statute and 18 and 19 of its Regulations, the following resolutions were agreed:
  1. To express its approval for the report delivered by the President of the Council and the Executive Director to VII REMJA, on the activities of JSCA in the Americas.
  2. Appreciate the presentation made by the Secretary of the Ibero-American Judicial Summit, Jorge Carrera, on the prospects of work of this institutionality, especially congratulating the actions that have been jointly promoted with JSCA, within the framework of EuroSocial Justice. The Council encourages perseverance in the development of new projects that promote this strategic linkage of work in judicial systems.
  3. Appreciate the statement made by the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF) about their work in the region and urge joint actions with JSCA, based on the signed cooperation agreement.
  4. Request the Executive Directorate to draw up a disaggregated minutes, which summarizes the quarterly report, and which contains a summary of the activities carried out and prospected by JSCA, in which it has a main organizing role. Likewise, at the request of the Caputo Councilor, the detailed development of the topics reported by this instrument is agreed upon, alluding, as far as possible, to its genesis and evolution in order to more fully inform the successive meetings of the Board of Directors that are held.
  5. To instruct the Executive Directorate to send a detailed form, indicative of financed projects, activities with associated expenses and other actions planned for 2008, which evidences the goods and services whose financing should be privileged.
  6. To request the President of the Board of Directors to take the pertinent steps, in order to consider alternatives for a new link between JSCA and the OAS, privileging the perspectives of financial sustainability and budgetary management of the institution.
  7. To elect by Justice Lloyd Ellis by Vice-President of the Board.
  8. To agree on a next meeting for June 23, in order to focus primarily on the outcome of the talks that the President of the Board has on the assignment indicated in the preceding paragraph, for which the Executive Secretary will report on the progress of these negotiations and ratify the availability of agenda of the members of the Council.