XXVI Meeting of Board Directors

The November 28, 2012 Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas was held in Quito and attended by Board members Marc Rosenberg (President), Russell Wheeler, Ernesto Pazmiño, Santiago Pereira and Pedro B. Dallari. By virtue of Article 13 of the Center’s Statutes and Articles 11, 12, 18 and 19 of its Regulations, the Board hereby resolves:

  1. To recognize and congratulate Board members Pereira and Dallari on their appointment to the Board of Directors of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas.
  2. To approve the Annual Report and thank and congratulate Executive Director Cristián Riego, particularly in regard to the development of projects which have allowed actions and resources to be sustained over time, generating a noteworthy regional impact. The Board especially recognizes the seminar held in Quito, “Dialogue on Challenges of Reforms of Non-Criminal Justice Procedures in Latin America,” which was transmitted live via Internet, thus boosting its impact. The Board would like to thank Board member Ernesto Pazmiño for securing a commitment from the National Public Defender’s Office of Ecuador to organize and support this activity.
  3. To approve the Plan of Action and Budget for 2012-2013. The Board unanimously expresses its approval of the strategy outlined by the Executive Directorship in order to ensure the sustainability of the components of JSCA’s Strategic Plan. 
  4. To select the auditing service technical proposal submitted by Moore Stephens Consultants and Auditors in the context of the 2012-2014 bidding process held on November 22, 2012. The Board unanimously approved this decision after hearing the presentation offered by the Board Secretary regarding the assessment of the proposals and review of institutional information and technical and financial offers submitted by the proponents. 
  5. To unanimously appoint Board Member Ernesto Pazmiño as Vice President of the Board and express our gratitude to Board Member Russell Wheeler for his leadership, work and commitment. 
  6. To ratify the cooperation agreements reached with the Union of Workers of the Lima Prosecutor’s Office; Universidad de Tarapacá de Arica; the Foundation of the Center for Research on Democracy, Justice and Security (CEDJUS) of Tucumán, Argentina; Costa Rica’s Judiciary Association (ACOJUD); Colombia’s Procedure Law Institute (ICDP); the Center for Research on Updating Law (CEAD) of Querétaro, Mexico; the Human Rights Research and Education Centre of the University of Ottawa, Canada; Fundación Construir of La Paz, Bolivia; Ecuador’s Ministry of the Interior; the Tucumán Province Judicial Branch of Argentina; the Magistrates, Prosecutor’s Office and Judicial Branch Officials Association of Buenos Aires, Argentina; and the Supreme Court of Paraguay. The Board also hereby ratifies the Memorandum of Understanding signed with Instituto di Ricerca sui Sistemi Giudiziari (IRSIG) of Bologna, Italy and the Complementary Agreement to the Framework Cooperation Agreement with the Buenos Aires Public Prosecutor’s Office.
  7. To schedule the next Board Meeting for December 2013 in Santiago de Chile. We hereby request that the Board Secretary explore possible dates and report back to the Board once he has identified the best option.