Nataly Ponce Chauca

Attorney, Peruvian, master’s degree in Public Policy and Government (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú); and in Latin American Studies (international scholarship OAS – Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia).
+25 years of experience working on international justice reforms in 10 countries across the Americas. Evaluator of international projects: final performance evaluation of the Cooperation Alliance for the Protection of Children and Adolescents CPC Alliance – trafficking in persons (EnCompass – US Department of State); study of citizen involvement to capitalize learning and strengthen integrity in the State and combat corruption (Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Sustainability (MELS), USAID, and study “Criminal justice system in environmental matters in Peru. Analysis and recommendations to strengthen the judicial system against illegal logging and mining (CAMRIS International Evaluations – USAID).
Deputy Chief of Party of the Pro-Integrity Project and implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code with emphasis on corruption cases (Tetra Tech Inc.- USAID) and training coordinator in the Anti-Corruption Threshold Program (ICITAP – US Department of Justice – USAID).
Former Vice-Minister of Public Security at the Ministry of the Interior, and Vice-Minister of Women at the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations in Peru.
International consultant for the OAS for the evaluation of the Inter-American Program for Judicial Facilitators (PIFJ) in six Central American countries.
I provided technical assistance to international organizations about violence, public safety, organized crime, and complex crimes as a consultant (UNDP, UNODC, JSCA), IDB, and the Attorney General’s Office of Guatemala. Member of the mission of independent experts to evaluate the social, environmental, and human rights impact in Honduras (FMO). I was a consultant at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for institutional strategic planning.
I worked in the Special Investigations Unit of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Peru (CVR), and the Ad-hoc Commission (Comisión Ad-hoc) in charge of evaluating and proposing this benefit to the people who were unjustly convicted or prosecuted for terrorism. Previously, I was Commissioner for Human Rights in the Ombudsman’s Office of the same country.
Researcher in the Special Investigations Unit of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Peru (CVR); and the Comisión Ad-hoc responsible for evaluating and recommending the pardon to persons I prisons who were unfairly convicted or prosecuted for terrorism. I served as the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Ombudsman’s Office of the same country.
Fellow of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) in the US Department of State.
Former intern, researcher, and international consultant for the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA). I have several publications and studies on criminal procedure reform, public security, organized crime, criminal prosecution of complex crimes, and gender, among other topics.
I have been a postgraduate professor at the School of Government of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru.