Sandra Araneda

JSCA Executive Director: “COVID halted Latin America’s justice systems.”

The emergency taught us that all countries should invest more in information technologies and in guaranteeing Internet access.* *Interview with journalist Diana Lastiri published by Mexico’s El Universal newspaper on November 12, 2020. Latin American justice systems were completely paralyzed for several days due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mexico was no exception, and the situation has taught its judicial branches several lessons according to Justice…

Sandra Araneda

JSCA promotes first observatory on civil conflict and access to justice for the Americas

The initiative offers an opportunity to analyze six areas with high levels of legal conflict, such as housing and land, consumer affairs, healthcare, finances, domestic relationships and community life. As a way of examining the development of conflicts, the risk level of the population and barriers to access to justice in the region, and in order to contribute data and statistics that facilitate the analysis…

Sandra Araneda

Germany’s Foreign Ministry announces digital event on the state of justice and security in Central America

On November 5, Germany’s Federal Ministry of Foreign Relations will hold a digital event to present the project “Promoting the Rule of Law in the Northern Triangle.” The purpose of the event is to analyze and raise the profile of challenges in the area of justice and security in the Northern Triangle of Central America, which includes Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. The official statement…

Sandra Araneda

The Brazilian Procedure Law Institute and JSCA promote the participation of women researchers to improve access to justice

The document aligns with the gender equality policies that are being promoted for the region. Encouraging research by women on the performance of procedure systems to improve access to justice based on the importance of gender parity is one of the goals of the “Women in Procedure” project created through a collaboration agreement between the Brazilian Procedure Law Institute and JSCA. This is the first…

Sandra Araneda

Representatives of Canada, Ecuador and Paraguay elected to the Board of Directors of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA)

The vote of the OAS General Assembly determined that Benjamin Berger, María del Carmen Maldonado and María Victoria Rivas will join the board beginning January 1, 2021 and will serve through 2023. In the context of the 50th Regular Session of the General Assembly, the member states of the Organization of American States (OAS) elected three new members to the JSCA Board of Directors. The…